The Military Firefighter Heritage Foundation is proud to announce the
2025/2026 Memorial Scholarship Fund.
The Military Firefighter Heritage Foundation is proud to announce the 2025/2026 Memorial Scholarship Fund. The recipients will be announced on the Military Firefighter Heritage Foundation website no later than 30 June 2025.
This scholarship is for upcoming college freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors that have been accepted into an undergraduate program in a U.S. accredited two-year, four year, or vocational school/graduate school during the 2025-2026 academic. Applicant must be an immediate family member of a member of the DOD Fire Emergency Services, (this includes: Active Duty, Retiree, Reserves, Guard, Civil Service DOD Firefighters, DOD Fire Academy Instructor) or immediate family member of a DOD Firefighter listed on the DOD Fallen Firefighters Memorial, located at Goodfellow AFB, Texas. Immediate family member includes; spouse, children, step-children, grandchildren, brother, sister, or adopted children of the sponsor.
The Heritage Foundation Scholarship Committee has determined that this year they will award five (5) individual $1000.00 scholarships. These awards will be paid directly to the academic institution for the student’s tuition, books, fees and on-campus housing. All applications will be reviewed by the Scholarship Selection Board.
Applicant must provide the following to the Heritage Foundation Selection Committee; completed application form, copy of your letter of acceptance to college, submit a personal statement of interest (see format below), and request two letters of recommendation. One letter of recommendation should be from a teacher, employer, clergy, or a member of the community familiar with your goals. The second will be from a member of the DOD Fire and Emergency Services. NEW: A photograph (head and shoulders, no selfies) and a biography must be e-mailed to the board members e- mail address at [email protected] along with the application. While email is the preferred format, in the event you submit via U.S. Mail, all required documentation to the Military Firefighter Heritage Foundation must be postmarked no later than 1 April 2025. You must also request a transcript from your current school. A Transcript Request form is included to request your transcripts. Transcripts also must be postmarked by 1 April 2025. The selection board will not mail out transcript requests on your behalf.
STATEMENT OF INTEREST —Example of format
FROM: Name
TO: MFHF Scholarship Committee
SUBJECT: Statement of Intrest
I (name) will be a college freshman/sophomore/junior/ senior in fall 23/spring 24.
My high school/college cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale is:
Community Involvement/Awards/ Extracurricular activities (hours of unpaid activities within the last four years
2020-present Peer tutoring at my high school, 2 hrs/week
2020-present JV and varsity soccer team, district playoffs 2019, MVP award 2019 2020-present National Honor Society, 2 hrs/month
2020-present Boy Scouts, active participant, Eagle award 2019
2020-present Debate team, six contests/year
Paid Employment (hours worked per week)
2020-present Cashier at mall, 15/hrs/week, more during holidays
2020-2021 Summer work on family farm and at produce stand, full time
Future Goals
I plan to attend the local college and live at home for two years before transferring to the university. I will major in Biology with a future goal of working towards better use of our environment. I feel I can contribute whether as a conservation officer or developing farming techniques. (Please pay attention to the quality of your writing in this section; this is your opportunity to make a positive impression.)